Our Biggest Wins
Reaching those most at risk of involvement in the justice system from an early age and being consistent in their lives. (75% are African-American with multiple risk factors)
Having remote sites in Seattle - Los Angeles - Chicago. Miami, Houston, ATL and Baton Rouge next.
We have helped 160 participants secure employment, 65 of the 160 were the participants first job.
Created a partnership with local trade unions and teamed with RPAC,
Regional Pre-apprenticeship Collaboration to target and train youth for all trade jobs..
Helped place 55 hoop players in college to further their education and chase their hoop dreams.
29 are currently in the NBA or Playing professionally, countless are professional in business and life.
Between 2017-2019, Game Of Life, provided 4,500 meals to participants and helped to support 50 first-year college students to further their education.
Over 1,550 youth have participated in Game Of Life.
(75% were ages 12-25).
10,500+ physical touches (2016-2024)
12 participants lost over 100 pounds and 40 lost over 50 pounds.
Corona Virus Update
Washington State
We have been able to partner with Phenomenal She, a Local nonprofit in the Federal Way area to service families in need by handing out 5,000 free lunches and over 12,000 pounds of fruits and vegetables. Update: Another 7,500 meals and 15,000 pounds of fruit and vegetables have been handed out during the Pandemic.
Much thanks to Cascadia Produce for the 60 produce boxes a week and a huge appreciation for OSL, formerly known as operation Sack Lunch for the 300 hot lunches per week for the last three months. We are now providing free hand sanitizer along with washable and disposal mask to every member of your family.
We have been able to support over 450 families in South King County during the COVID-19 Pandemic by offering food weekly, resources for jobs, school closure & medical information. Since the pandemic, we have continued to grow and support an additional 500 families and 250 additional youth within school districts in South King County and Pierce Counties.
Shift In Programs
Covid -19 updates.
Our programs have shifted from in gym activities to Zooms Job trainings and Outside activities due to the Pandemic.
Our weekly zoom sessions with ages 14 to 17 take place on Saturday mornings that focus on Emotional Fitness of our male leaders. We have a four week class that focuses on
* In home/ outside fitness
* Mental Health for beginners
* Financial literacy, first businesses
* Social Media safety
Since the ending of social distancing we have restarted our face to face meetings and established our weekly Men's Mental Health meetings that have been a thinktank for ideas and how to support our youth in schools and in the community.
* Entrepreneur, starting a business with financial guidance
* Financial literacy
* Anger / Conflict management and relationships
* College Sports options and Job Search
Job trainings and Pre-Apprenticeships in the trades are currently being offered through Game Of Life mentoring. These are new programs that our community surveys have shown to be a need in South King County.
- Driving for Delivery and Transportation.
- Apparel and Design, T-Shirt.
- Deli, Coffee shop.
- Barber College.
- 4 to 12 week paid training into trade industry.
- Vending businesses, Hotdog, food creation.
*All programs service and support people of the BIPOC community.
Shift In Programs
Covid -19 updates.
Our programs have shifted from in gym activities to Zooms Job trainings and Outside activities due to the Pandemic.
Our weekly zoom sessions with ages 14 to 17 take place on Saturday mornings that focus on Emotional Fitness of our male leaders. We have a four week class that focuses on
* In home/ outside fitness
* Mental Health for beginners
* Financial literacy, first businesses
* Social Media safety
Since the ending of social distancing we have restarted our face to face meetings and established our weekly Men's Mental Health meetings that have been a thinktank for ideas and how to support our youth in schools and in the community.
* Entrepreneur, starting a business with financial guidance
* Financial literacy
* Anger / Conflict management and relationships
* College Sports options and Job Search
Job trainings and Pre-Apprenticeships in the trades are currently being offered through Game Of Life mentoring. These are new programs that our community surveys have shown to be a need in South King County.
- Driving for Delivery and Transportation.
- Apparel and Design, T-Shirt.
- Deli, Coffee shop.
- Barber College.
- 4 to 12 week paid training into trade industry.
- Vending businesses, Hotdog, food creation.
*All programs service and support people of the BIPOC community.
About GOL:
Operating since 2016
Available resources:
Business Cards
Flyers, T-shirts.
Contact GOL at:
(206) 395-9746
© 2019