Major Players in Federal Way and Seattle
Game of Life
We've got a top notch team for a top notch Community!
Winston Bell
Seattle Representative
Winston Bell is a Mental health / Cultural expert and owner of a Counseling and Consultation practice in Federal Way, WA. Hailing from the south side of Chicago he understands the needs of young men of color and figured out how to speak their language in order to hand deliver the assistance. Winston believes that more and more the needs of young men of color have been looked over and Game of Life can help to fill that void. "We have a formula that works in attracting the most vulnerable population in the world, they won't ask for the help so we bring it to them."
Evan Nelson
Seattle Representative
Evan Nelson was born and raised in the central area of Seattle, He's a Garfield Bulldog and first generation college graduate. Evan is now a small business owner and a community appointed OG. " I believe that my position is just as important as the mayor or city councilman. I can reach these young men coming from where they have come from and influence them toward success. I'm available for them everyday with everyday necessary resources."
Reco Rowe
Seattle Representative
Reco Rowe is a supervisor in hearings for department of corrections for the last 18 years, hailing from Goldsboro North Carolina. Basketball was my first love and I was able to use it as a tool to stay on the straight and narrow and carve out a career for myself. I have played Division 1 basketball and I have coached high level high school basketball in Washington State." We have tapped into a population that was relatively forgotten about by mainstream American and have been able to help them achieve the type of success that every man in America and surrounding countries strive for.
John Bullard
Seattle Representative
John Is a native of Philadelphia and currently holds the position of Finance director with the Milam auto group and serves as the regional training manager. John knew all to well the struggles of the streets for young men of color due to poverty and lack of resources, his personal experiences empowered him to change the narrative within his community. "Today my main focuses in life are supporting my family, community and young men of color.
About GOL:
Operating since 2016
Available resources:
Business Cards
Flyers, T-shirts.
Contact GOL at:
(206) 395-9746
© 2019